Past. Present. Future. Melded together. Memory fades. The tree of life. Love and death. Time swirls into a blur. Faces disappear. Illusions. What once was, now is not. What ceases to exist stays the same. History repeats itself. "When Everything Else is Gone" explores the fragile relationship between human connections and the concept of memory. Through a series of evocative photographs, the project delves into the ephemeral nature of memory and its impact on our understanding of the past and its repetition in the present. Some images are intentionally blurred, distorted, or otherwise manipulated, serving as a metaphor for the unreliability (and perhaps malleability?) of memory. As viewers navigate through the photographs, they are confronted with the realization that what once existed may cease to be, yet its essence lingers. The project captures the essence of the tree of life, where love and death intertwine, and human connections remain at the core of our existence, despite the ephemeral nature of memory. Intriguingly, it also confronts the concept of history repeating itself, by challenging viewers to reflect on the ways in which our flawed and subjective recollections of the past can shape our present and potentially perpetuate cycles of mistakes, conflicts, and missed opportunities. Ultimately, "When Everything Else is Gone" invites viewers on a journey of introspection and contemplation, questioning things like the impermanence of life, the fragility of human connections and the profound impact of memory on our understanding of the world.